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Delhi Homoeopathic Rules, 1958



40. An account shall be opened in the State Bank of India. Delhi in the name of the Board and all moneys of the Board shall be deposited in the Bank.

41. The Registrar shall pay all money payable to the board. He shall not retain in his hands an amount exceeding Rs. 100/- the balance being deposited in the bank to the credit of the Board.

42. The Registrar shall superintend the details of income and expenditure of the Board and shall at each ordinary meeting of the Board submit a financial statement showing the transactions of the Board for the month previous to one in which the meeting is held. This statement shall, if possible, be forwarded along with the notices of the meeting.

43. The Registrar shall not later than the month of July in each year, prepare a statement of the income and the expenditure of the preceding financial year ending on the 31st day of March and draw the attenton of the Board to such matters as may seem to be deserving of notice.

44. As soon as possible after the statement income and the expenditure of the proceeding financial year ending the 31st day of March is approved, the Board shall get the accounts for that year duly audited.

45. The annual accounts and estimate for the next financial year shall be prepared by the Registrar under the direction of the Board.

46. In the month of September in each year, an estimate of the revenue and of the expenditure of the Board for the year commencing on the 1st April next ensuing, shall be laid before the Board.

47. Such estimate shall make provision for the fulfillment of the liabilities of the Board and for carrying out effectively its objects. It shall include on its revenue side, besides all other revenues ordinarily anticipated, such grants as the Chief Commissioner may grant and all fees recieved from registration, renewal of registration and other fees payable and recieved by the Board under the Act.

48. The Board shall consider the estimates so submitted to it and submit the same to the State Government for his approval. The State Government may approve the budget with or without modification.

49. The Board may at any time during the year for which any estimate has been sanctioned cause a supplementary estimate to be prepared and submitted to it. Every such supplmentary estimate shall be considered by the Board in the same manner as if it were at an original annual estimate. no expenditure shall be incurred by the Board which is not duly provided for in the budget in a supplementary budget estimate.

50. A bill or other vouchers presented as a claim for money shall be recieved and examined by the Registrar. If the claim be for a sum not exceeding Rs. 50/- and is in order, the Registrar shall pay it. If the claim be for a sum exceeding Rs. 50/- , payment shall be made after it is examined and sanctioned by the Chairman.

51. The Registrar shall immediately account for in the general cash book all mnoey recieved or spent by or on behalf of the Board.

52. All cheques on the Bank shall be signed by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Registrar.

By Order,
(K. G. Mathur)
Secretary (Medical & Public Health)
Delhi Administration., Delhi

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